The Arsenal podcasting world is huge and I often mention of my list of Arsenal podcasts & shows and people ask if they can see it but as it was in a basic WordPad document I had no way of sharing it so I have made a page on our web site to share them with you, I know, I am too kind.
If the podcast is in a foreign language I have put that countries flag next to it, if the podcast has not done a podcast in over a year then I will put a grave stone next to it and presume that it has died.
If you know of any podcast’s that I have missed or any details I have got wrong let me know.
Most of the time I have used their YouTube channel or their Spotify account links.
So in alphabetical order here they are (click on the to go to their podcast)…
101 on ARSENAL (@Apollian24)
3 Blokes Talking Arse (@ArseMatters)
4 The Arsenal (@4TheArsenal_)
A Gunner Down Under (@gunner_under)
A Little Bit Arsenal (@ALittleBitArse1)
AFTV Podcast (@AFTVPodcast)
Albert J TV (@aumoh57)
AOF Podcast (@aofpodcast)
Arse 2 Mouse (@arse2mouse)
Arsecast (@arseblog)
Arsebros. Rantcast/Max (@ArseBrosRant )
Arsenal America (@ArseAmerica)
Arsenal Autopsy (@Arsenal_Autopsy)
Arsenal Fan Circle (@ArsenalCircle)
Arsenal First Pod (@arsenalfirstpod)
Arsenal Goteborg (@ArsenalGbg)
Arsenal In My Blood (@ArsenalBloodPod)
Arsenal India Podcast (@delhigooner)
Arsenal Match TV (@arsenalmatchtv)
Arsenal Miami Podcast (@305Cast)
Arsenal Review USA (@ArsenalReviewUS)
Arsenal TV (@RichardAFC7)
Arsenal’s Voice (@ArsenalsVoice)
Arsenal’s Realist (@ArsenalsR)
Arsenalisando Podcast (@arsenalisando)
Avenell Roadcast (@AvenellRoadcast)
Bearded Gooner (@DaBeardedGooner)
Blast From The Arsenal (@blastarsenalpod)
Boom Xhaka Laca (@BXL_Pod)
Cannon Cast (@CannonCast)
Cannon Fodder TV (@cannonfoddertv)
Clock End Talk (@clockend_talk)
Daily Cannon (@DailyCannon)
Danny D AFC (@dannydAFC)
Dro Tha Gooner (@dro_tha)
Drunk Dial Square (@DrunkDialSquare)
Egyptian Gooner Podcast (@egygoonerpod)
Footballistically Arsenal (@arsenalpodcast)
From Dial Square To Where (@fromdialsquare)
Full 90 Gooner Podcast (@Full90Gooner)
Ginger Greek (@Gingergreek)
Gooner Craic Podcast (2020) (@GoonerCraic)
Gooner & Gunner Radio (@GoonerAndGunner)
Gooner Eagle Eye (@ColossalChig)
Gooner Fanzine TV (@GoonerFanzine)
Gooner News TV (@GoonerNewsTV)
Goonergirls (@GoonerGirls_Pod)
Goonersphere (2014) (@GoonerspherePod)
Goonertastic (2013) (@goonerdyllan)
GoonerTube (2020) (@GoonerTubeTV)
Gunner Talk (2018) (@SiCoManc)
Gunnercast ZA (2018) (@gunnercast_za)
Gunners Down Under (2013) (@GunnersDwnUnder)
Guns And Yellow Ribbons (2018) (@gunsandribbons)
Handbrake Off (2019) (@TheAthleticUK)
Have Your Say The Arsenal Way (2020) (@HArsenalway)
Highbury & Heels (2017) (@HighburyHeels)
Hugh Wizzy (2013) (@hughwizzy)
I Am Gunner Talk (2017) (@iAmGunnerTalk)
James Johnstone Football (2016) (@LLcoolJames91)
Lee Gunner (2018) (@LeeGunner82)
Les Petites Goonerettes (2012) (@lpgcastofficial)
Lets Chat Arsenal (2015) (@LetsChatArsenal)
Lets Talk Arsenal (2020) (@Aaqib____)
Littlebit Arsenal (2018) (@LittlebitAFC)
Matt Robinson Football (2019) (@)
MGH (2013) (@MGH)
Much Arsenal (2017) (@cmutch91)
Not Another Arsenal Podcast (2020) (@NAGoonerPodcast)
Our Lot in Block 5 (2015) (@ourlotpod)
Over And Over And Over Again (2020) (@GoonerRichB)
Pain In The Arsenal (2017) (@PainInThArsenal)
The Podolcast (2013) (@)
Purely Arsenal (2016) (@purelyarsenalFP)
Same Old Arsenal (2017) (@SameOldAFC)
Saved By The Bellerin Podcast (2019) (@SBTBPod)
Soccer Yanks (2013) (@SoccerYanks)
Sonny TV Unfiltered (2019) (@OfficialSonny1)
Sons Of Arshavin (2015) (@SonsOfArshavin)
Suburban Gooners (2013) (@SuburbanGooner)
Talking Arse Podcast (2019) (@BlogArse)
Talking Through The Arse (2015) (@positivelyarse)
The 4th Best Podcast (2017) (@4th_best)
The 86’ers Podcast (2013) (@The86ersPodcast)
The AFC Lock In (2013) (@TheAFCLockIn)
The Arsenal Away (2019) (@TheArsenalAway)
The Arsenal Cannon (2019) (@CannonPodcast)
The Arsenal Opinion (2017) (@LeGrove)
The Arsenal India Podcast (2015) (@delhigooner)
The Arsenal Weekly Podcast (2015) (@Arsenal)
The At Home Gooner (2018) (@GoonerArmchair)
The Beautiful Groan (2010) (@beautifulgroan)
The Blind Gooner (2019) (@TheBlindGooner)
The Boys In Red And White (2019) (@BoysInRedPod)
The Broken Cannon (2019) (@TheBrokenCannon)
The Bruised Banana (2018) (@tbbpod)
The Chronicles Of A Gooner (2018) (@chronicles_afc)
The Clock Cast (2014?) (@HighburyClock)
The Clock End Podcast (2013) (@Arsenal)
The Clock End Talk (2018) (@clockend_talk)
The Different Knock (2019) (@DiffKnock)
The Eurosnob Podcast (2016) (@eurosnobpod)
The Gooner Family (2013) (@thegoonerfamily)
The GoonerLand Podcast (2020) (@goonerlandpod)
The Gooner Ramble (2015) (@GoonerRamble)
The Gooner Talk (2016) (@TheGoonerTalkTv)
The Highbury Clock‘s Podcast (?) (@)
The Highbury Squad (2018) (@HighburySquad)
The Kilted Cannon (2017) (@JokmanAFC)
The Loose Cannons (2018) (@LooseCannonsAFC)
The Magic Hat Show (2020) (@TheMagicHatShow)
The Morning Pint (2012) (@MorningPint)
The Mr Arsenal Podcast (2018) (@MrArsenal89)
The Steves Bald Collective (2012) (@StevesBaldCo)
The Tuesday Club (2011) (@NOTYOUBENTLEY)
Touchy Gooners (2018) (@TouchyGooners)
The Gooners Podcast (@TheGoonersPod)
The Podolcast (@CannonCast)
All of this was cut n pasted so there is a 100% chance that ive cut n pasted something from 1 show and added it wrongly to another, so do not shit the bed but do let me know (@The_GFP)