029 – The 5 T’s ‘Theo, Transfers, Two Footed Tackles & Middlesex Twats’ (9th January 2014)

Gimli (@GoonerGimli) going strawberry blond for 2014 is joined by :

Dave Hillier (@davehillierr). The media sensation for 2014.
From : The Arsenal Assesment

G.C (@shewore). Paying Wengers wages for 2014.
From : She Wore

Steve (@Lordhillwood). Collecting Polish minge for 2014.
From : Lord Hillwood

Danny (@The_GFP). Fiting the flab for 2014.
From : The Highbury Inn

First off Danny does a results round up of the ladies, U18’s & U21’s games over the last week and the up coming fixtures. Next up we spend a few minuets having a laugh at spurzzzzz and discussing just how easy the 2-0 win was.

Then we go on to talk about Theo Walcotts terrible injury and try and figure out why he keeps getting injured and whether he will make the 2014 World Cup.

Steve then goes into some data about Theo’s injuries and whether he has been and will be missed as much as the media seem to think but G.C & Dave Hillier have a bit to say about Theo too.

The next section is a long old chat about the many players we have been linked to. Next up we get Dave Hillier to answer a few Twitter & Facebook questions followed by more questions to the rest of the panel. Next up is the shout outs followed by predictions.

The end music is : Forever In Our Shadow by “LAUGHING GOONER”

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This podcast contains VERY strong language not suitable for those of a nervous disposition.

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