Tag Archives: Marseille

023 – 6 Points, No Sleeves & Bendtner’s Going Down (28th November 2013)

http://archive.org/download/0236PointsNoSleevesBendtnersGoingDown/023%20-%206%20Points%2C%20No%20Sleeves%20%26%20Bendtner%27s%20Going%20Down.mp3Subscribe: RSS G Diddy (@GoonerGimli) the man-flu riddled gimp is joined by : G.C (@shewore). Delighted to be invited to be a guest on the ‘FK Show’. From : She Wore FK (@fkhanage). Now slightly to big for his size … Continue reading

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013 – “Getting Ready For Stooookes City” (19th September 2013)

http://archive.org/download/013GettingReadyForStooookesCity/013%20-%20Getting%20Ready%20For%20Stooookes%20City.mp3Subscribe: RSS As usual our midget host Lord Gimli (@GoonerGimli) will be standing on a box trying to get the regulars to behave and he is joined by : G.C (@SheWore). Even after 6 straight wins he still probably wants … Continue reading

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